Saturday, August 6, 2011

Henry turns 2!

My sweet little man turned 2!  Where did the time go?  He's 32 lbs, only 3 lbs behind Lily!!  Henry is such a fun, cuddly, rough and tumble boy.  One minute he's hitting Lily over the head with a shoe, the next he's cuddling with me on the couch.  He loves to read books, play with cars, trucks, balls, or anything that makes lots of noise, color with his sister, go for walks, and sing.  He still has the best giggle ever and is so ticklish!  He's talking up a storm (almost full sentences now) and loves his passy and lamby.  Such a sweet boy.  We sure love our Henry!!
His special day started with a birthday balloon, of course!  When he wants something, he says "Henry's" instead of "mine".  So cute.  He's also starting to make the squishy face "cheese" for the camera...nice.
Saturday afternoon we had a small "dinosaur" birthday party for him.  Mom and half the Clarkes came (just Britt, Mika and Ashlynn), and our friends the Elsworths and Katzers.
Our scary Dinosaurs!!  (Lily, Mika and Henry)

We had pizza, cupcakes and a pinata!

Henry was so excited for cupcakes and sang happy birthday to himself!
(my friend Jill made his birthday shirt!)

Lots of fun boy toys...finally!

An awesome truck book from Nora.  He insisted on sleeping with it...

We got a dinosaur pinata!  Super fun!! No injuries either!!

Jack's the one that finally broke it open!  Yay!!  Candy!!

What a fun time ! Thanks to our friends and family for coming and helping make Henry's day special!!

1 comment:

Brittany said...

SO glad we came. it was a great little birthday party!