Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sick, Sick, Sick!

We have had a run of sickness lately and it's getting really old! From Pink Eye to the name it, we've had it this winter. Here are my two sickies, cuddling on the couch. :( I could tell Henry felt awful because he doesn't stay still for much.
Lily doesn't take naps very often anymore and I can't help but take pictures of her asleep when she does. She hasn't been feeling well, so I think has needed some extra sleep. She would be awake talking to me and then two seconds later, she had fallen asleep...
I mean...seriously?? My little sleeping princess.
After being cooped up inside all week with flus and fevers; we ventured outdoors. Well, to our indoor mall anyway....and had ice cream cones at 11am! They certainily deserved it. It had been a very long week. This was Henry's first time eating his own cone, and he did pretty well! I was impressed!

1 comment:

Tami said...

Those poor kids (and poor mama!) It is such a bummer when kids are sick. I am glad that they are feeling better these days!