Monday, May 3, 2010

At the park!

So most of you know we frequent parks quite often in our family....our new favorite is one we can walk to; it's about a mile walk each way so it's great exercise for the parents too! (plus, our favorite pizza place is right around the corner, so dinner usually follows playtime. Sweet!)
Lily has graduated to the big swings and loves "under-dogs"!

The other night we were at the park and there was bike racing going on. Since Andrew has recently purchased a new bike, it was fun for him to check out all the cool bikes and watch the guys race. Maybe he'll be out there next year! ;)

Lily like watching them too...and would clap when they rode by...

She took this picture of them.

Henry; enjoying a day at the park as always. He looks so big in this picture! Love his rosy cheeks!

1 comment:

Tami said...

How fun to watch the bike race. Looks like a good time at the park. You have such a fun and cute family!