Thursday, January 13, 2011

Kitchen Helpers

Lily is my little helper in the kitchen, wanting to be a part of everything I'm doing....even the dishes!!

We made donut holes on our Snow/Ice Day last Monday...A Sharp Family tradition! Yummmmm!

Getting ready to help me cook dinner, of course! They both squish on my little step stool. They don't want to miss anything!!


Meagan said...

What cute helpers! Those doughnut holes look amazing!! So fun that you Georgians got a rare snow day. I hope it's warming up for the warm-blooded down there.

Tami said...

Good times! I want some of those doughnut holes too! You are such a fun mom! My girls love doing dishes too. Our kids rotate through their after dinner jobs and when it is Abby or Hannah's turn to wash Adam and I cringe and they think that it is the best day ever!