Sunday, December 23, 2007

Almost Christmas!!

Bedtime stories

Lily sitting on the floor with a basket full of toys (the pillow is a precautionary measure by a paranoid mom...)

Lily loves the camera...maybe because it's in her face all the time! :)

All those toys and still not happy?!?!?!

Lily's 3rd hockey game this year! We are better prepared each game (she was warm enough and we had the pacifier and a bottle this time!). Next time we'll remember to bring the PJ's and put them on in the car before we drive home!! Parenting is definitely a learning process...

Andrew got to wear his early Christmas present: His Thrashers hockey jersey (thanks to Mom, Dad, and me!). We had a great time and we even won!! :)

Lily loves the blow up hockey sticks they gave out game night!

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